Monday, March 22, 2010

A "Krispy" Cake!

For my little sister's birthday, she asked for rice krispies treats and/or brownies... no cake!!! So I had to get creative!

I designed a cake out of rice krispies. It was 3 tiers of regular rice krispies "frosted" with fruity pebbles krispies treats. Delicious. The fruity pebbles complemented the regular rice krispies keeping the fruity from being too overwhelming. I will definately be making these again!

Very simple, but this was a fun cake to make. I made brownies as well and used star shaped cookie cutters to cut them out. Super cute, but I forgot to get pictures of them! Sorry! I'm told they tasted pretty good too.
Until next week!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Bundt Cakes

I'm obsessed with bundt cakes. I've been making about 1 bundt a week since I bought my bundt pan last month! So this blog entry is dedicated to the bundt cakes I've been experimenting with.

The first is the Golden Almond Cake. I've probably made 4 of these. My husband likes them so they don't last for very long in my home. And the smell of the almond is just amazing!

Now I haven't gotten to taste this cake, it's a White Chocolate Raspberry Cake. One of my coworkers and my little sister each got a piece and the rest was given away to a neighbor family who was moving. It smell good though and I'm told it tasted good too!

This weekend I went nuts (it was a stressful week and I needed some baking time to cool off!) I made some Pillsbury sweet rolls, Rhodes rolls, and then I got down to the homemade stuff. I made two loaves of bread, banana-nut muffins and a Cordon Rose Banana Bundt Cake.

I discovered that the fastest way to ripen bananas. Freeze them over night! Just make sure you have time to defrost them before you use them. They get kinda mushy so defrost them on a plate!

I made the banana cake without any nuts. It tastes like the banana muffins, but it just felt like something was missing without the nuts. I really like the dense moist texture. I doubled the amount of sour cream used to make it extra moist. Delicious!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dad's Birthday Cake!

My family celebrated my dad's birthday last week and I got to make the cake!
I make a Chocolate Butter Cake with a thick Milk Chocolate Buttercream.

4 lbs of chocolate went into the frosting. 3 lbs of milk chocolate and then to keep it from being too sweet, I added 1 lb of dark chocolate. Then butter to soften it into a frosting texture. Next time I may use a heavy cream to help soften the chocolate as well.

I melted the chocolate down in a metal bowl set over top of a pot of boiling water. The smell in my kitchen was enough to put you into a chocolate coma... It smelled divine... I had to keep chewing gum to keep myself from taste testing.

The chocolate was so pretty!

This was the cake, pre-frosting.
I may go a bit lighter on the frosting next time.

I used a small decorative scraper to put a decorative side on the cake.

I used a star tip to pipe the edge around the top and bottom of the cake.

And then I was having so much fun and I had some frosting left over, so I did a few more rows around the top. The buttercream got kinda melted so the last two rows looked less like the star tip and more like Hershey's Kisses.

Here is the cake, complete with candles.
A shot of the cross section of the cake.

Plated with icecream. I was told that it was also good with a little milk poured over it.

I'll have to make this again next year when I can try it!